Course Coordinator
Sharing knowledge is not about giving people something, or getting something from them. That is only valid for information sharing. Sharing knowledge occurs when people are genuinely interested in helping one another develop new capacities for action; it is about creating learning processes.
We have already started to reap the benefits of this journey where we follow our founders and experts Kambin, Hijikata and Schreiber; the next generation and other surgeons not mentioned here.
The scientific presentations we bashfully made in the past, when minimal invasive surgery was a very young method, have now become enthusiastic presentations supported by multicenter randomized studies. Now, we know the only valid method to diagnose and treat problems on the foraminal level is foraminoscopy. MISS, once perceived as an alternative to conventional surgery, is now considered a surgical method with no alternatives in foraminal diagnosis and treatment.
Now it’s time to visit the places where the seeds that we have sown become trees. We will visit new the clinics that believed in us and combined their treatments with endoscopic interventions and adopted minimally invasive surgery while MISS climbs high in the Cochrane Classification as an experience-based medical science. The time, our congress will be held in Izmir, where the new fellows of the ISMISS Turkey Branch are located.
If we can find time amongst our scientific studies, we will visit the sacred places: such as Ephesus,
The house of Maria, and Alacati: Temple of the windsurf
We are looking forward to meeting you in this beautiful city, Izmir, Cesme to host probably the most exciting meeting of our years-long mission to spread awareness of minimally invasive surgery.

Organizing Comitee
Honorary President
Daniel Gastambide
Phil Sun Choi
Sang-Ho Lee
Past President
Hansjoerg Leu
Elected President
Vladimir Radchenko
Pain Course Coordinator
Ibrahim Yegul
Course Secretariat
Burkay Kutluhan Kaçıra
Kamil Barlas
Basic Principles
Ayhan Comert
Wolfgang Rausching
Endoscopic Tecniques
Mehmet Medet Yıldız
Murat Erguven
Pain Therapy
Burcu Candan
Elvan Erhan
Figen Yagmur Aslan
Taylan Temel
Less Invasive
Ali ihsan Işık
Murat Bezer
Mustafa Anter
Course Coordinator
Tolgay Satana
Akira Dezawa
Anthony Yeung
Antonio Carlos Rezoagli
Ayhan Comert
Burkay Kacira
Carlo A. Todaro
Cem Calli
Elvan Erhan
Emiliano Passacantilli
Figen Yagmur Aslan
Fujio Ito
Gun Choi
Hansjörg Leu
Ibrahim Yegul
Jean Destandau
John Shepperd
Kyung-Hoon Kim
Lester Wilson
Martin Knight
Michael Schubert
Mohamed Alfawareh
Mohamed Mohi Eldin
Munehito Yoshida
Murat Erguven
Nizar Natout
Nurettin Lüleci
Ozhan Akinci
Pil Sun Choi
Shahaydar Shatursunov
Sang-Ho Lee
Satishchandra Gore
Sebastian Luetern
Stefan Hellinger
Taylan Akkaya
Thomas Hoogland
Thomas Lübbers
Tolgay Satana
Vladimir Radchenko
Wolfgang Raushning
Yucel Kanpolat